OKI Kiel Cultural and Historical Flat Tin Figures Kilia


Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, dear Collectors,

the Kieler Zinnfiguren have moved to Weimar.

The tried and tested terms and conditions and prices continue to apply.

Orders are placed via the usual contact form - Contact

but also by email:


or by postal address:

Marbod Gerstenhauer
KILIA pewter figures
Am Grunstedter Rain 56
99428 Weimar

and are welcome.

Please enter the epoch or the list and the type number with the desired number of pieces. This can be done by listing or by copying the desired types from the list into the order e-mail. Please do not forget the address when ordering.
All types can be ordered individually - it is therefore not necessary to order complete cast series (e.g. type a,b,c, ... from one type number).

In 2024 the Kieler Zinnfiguren factory will be 100 years old.
We will also release an anniversary figure.

The traditional core business, packs according to the list of types but also series, special figures and groups, as blank packs and in KILIA painting is NEW.

We are very grateful to our collector friend Douglas H. Johnson, who made his complete Kiel lists available to us for free use and thus makes the ordering process much easier for collectors under his list 4.1 packing list. Lists - last entry

We are also happy to produce SPECIAL packs on collector's request.

Marbod Gerstenhauer

Painted by  Michael Behring, Rainer Berthold and Klaus Weber
Anniversary Figures 100 Years of Kieler Zinnfiguren