Kieler Zinnfiguren -  from the manufactory of Marbod Gerstenhauer -


Contact form

If you have any questions or requests, send us either an email,
or fill out the form and send it. We will contact you as soon as possible.

* Required Fields

Direct-Contact:  |  Email: marbod.gerstenhauer(at) | Tel: +49 (0)172 3612593
Adr.:  Marbod Gerstenhauer  | Am Grunstedter Rain 56  | 99428 Weimar  | Germany


Ordering help:
Thanks to our collector friend Douglas H. Johnson you can find the (almost) complete Kiel lists here:

    1.2 (In)Compleat Kieler        > Sorten-Liste

2.2 (In)Compleat Kieler        > Einzeltypen-Liste
3.2 (In)Compleat Kieler        > Serien-Typenliste
4.1 (In)Compleat Kieler        > Packungsliste

    > Sortenliste F

Please indicate the era or the list and the type number with the respective number of units. Please don't forget your address when ordering!

 - Blank figures are not sent deburred!
 - Kilia Factory painting of Marbod Gerstenhauer's types or series is available on request
 - For series, individual figures can also be ordered!
 - Postage will be added.

 price list

Page is being revised.  Until then, please use the German version > click

If you have any questions, we will be happy to help you via Email
or per contact form!