Egyptian Campaign 1797, Napol.
Alexander Farnesse, 30 years war
American cowboys, colonial-time
American War of Independence
Americans 1920 - 1945
Ancient Egyptians, Ancient Period
Ancient Period
Angel, Crib
Arabs, Karl May
Argentina, Napoleon
Arkeley, Middle Ages
Armistice at Vignale
Arquebusier, 30 years war
Arquebusier, Middle Ages
Artillery, 1813 English horse
Artillery, 30 years war
Artillery, Austria, Napoleon
Artillery, Bavaria, Napoleon
Artillerie, Engl., Napoleon
Artillery, foot Engl., Napoleon
Artillery, pioneers and train, Napoleon
Artillery, Prussia, Napoleon
Artillery, riding, Engl., Napoleon
Askaris, colonial-time
Assyrians, Ancient Period
at Carrhae, Ancient Period
August the Strong, Series
Austria, 1700
Austria, Staff, Napol.
Austria, 1913-1914
Aztecs, Mexico, 1500-1520
Aztecs, Middle Ages
Baden, Margrave Ludwig Wilhelm of, 1704
Baden, Napoleon
Balthasar, crib
bandolier cavalry, 30 years war
Baron von Reisner, Austria, Napol.
Baron Scharfenstein, Austria, Napol.
Basuto, Colonial-time
Bavaria, 1700
Bavaria, 1870 - 1871
Bavaria, Napoleon
Bear, colonial-time
Beaudricourt, Middle Ages
Bernhard of Weimar, 30 years war
Beggars, Biedermeier
Biedermeier 1815 - 1830
Bishop, Middle Ages
Blucher, Prussia, Napoleon
Bonaparte, Napoleon
Boy Scouts, German
Brandenburg 1700
Brunswick, 1870-71
Buffalo, Colonial Time
Buffalo Hunt, North America
Bulow, Prussia, Napoleon
Burgundian artillery, medieval
Byzantium around 500 AD
Caecina's Retreat
Camel, Crib
Camel Rider, France, Napol. 1797
Carabiniers, 30 Years war
Carabiniers, France, Napol.
Carrhae, Roman legionnaires in the defensive struggle, 53 BC
Carthaginian, Ancient Period
Caesar, Ancient Period
Caspar, crib
Caspar, crib
Castle Siege 1400-1450, Middle Ages
Cavalry, Austria, Napol.
Cavalry, Russia, Napol.
Cavalry Prussia, Napol.
Cavalry, Engl. Hannover, Napol.
Cave Bear Hunt, Stone Age, Hinsch Series 1
Celt , 400v.-100n.Chr
Celt , Altertum
Center-companies, France, Napol.
Chariot Race, Babylon
Chasseurs à Cheval, France, Napol.
Chasseurs à Cheval, Russia, Napol.
Chevaulegers Lancers France class., Napol.
Chevaulegers, Saxony, Napoleon
Chile, Napol.
Chinese, 1914-1918
Civilians, 1870-71
Civilians, Napoleon
Choirboys, Middle Ages
Christ Child in the manger
Christian of Brunswick, 30-j. war
Civil War, Amerik. 1861-64
Clarinet player, Biedermeier
Commedia dell'arte, Vollrath
Conde, 30 years war
Confederacy, American Civil War
Constructing a Barrow, Late Stone Age, Hinsch Series 2
Coronation, 1400-1430
Coronation Maximilian I. (Vollrath)
Cortes, the Middle Ages
Cossacks, Russia, Napol.
Council of War at the Lamb of Grossheppach
Count Ernst of Ysenburg, Rocroy
Count Rüdiger von Starhemberg, 1700
Court, Babylon
Court orchestra, Masked Ball
Court lady at coronation, Middle Ages
Court of Justinian I
Cowboy, colonial-time
Crib 2
Crib HH
Cuirassier, 30 Year's War
Cuirassier, Austria, Napol.
Cuirassier, Russia, Napol.
Cuirassier, Saxony,Napol.
Cuirassier, Prussia,Napol.
Cuirassier and Heavy cavalry, France, Napol.
Cyriades, Triumph of Shapur I.
Czar Alexander, Russia, Napol.
Dance of the Female Slaves, Babylon
Desert, Through the, Karl-May
Dithmarscher farmers, Middle Ages
Donkey, Nativity
Dragoons, 30 years of war
Dragoons, Austria, Napol.
Dragoons, England-Scots, Napol.
Dragoons, France, Napol.
Dragoons, Light Engl., Napol.
Dragoons, Prussia, Napol.
Dragoons, Russia, Napol.
Dragoons, severity Engl., Napol.
Dragoons, Spain, Napol.
Drunken Feast, Babylon
Duke of Lothringen, Karl V, 1700
East African native, Colonial Era
Easter promenade from Goethe's Faust, 1520
Egyptian, Ancient Period
Eitel von Zollern, Knight, Middle Ages
Elephant, crib
Elector Clemens August of Cologne, Masked Ball
Elector John William
Electoress Anna Antonia of Bavaria, Masked Ball
Electoress Anna Maria Luisa
Elite companies, France., Napol.
Emperor Franz I. Austria, Napol.
Emperor Friedrich III.
Emperor Valerian, Triumph Shapurs I.
Emperor Wilhelm II., 1900-1914
Engl. Infantry, colonial-time
Engl. Knight, Middle Ages
Engl. Sailors, colonial-time
England, 1700
England, 1914-1918
Englishmen, Amerik. War of Independence
Englishmen, Napol.
Englishmen, 1913-1914
Englishmen, 1920-1945
English Horse Artillery, 1813
Equestrian Statue, Elector John William
Esterhazy, Field Marshal Prince, Austria, Napol.
Ethiopian, Ancient Period
Etruscan Ancient Period
Fairy Tales
Fanfare, Middle Ages
Farmers, Aust.-Hungary, armed, Mohacz, 1525
Faust, the Middle Ages
Field march. Lt. Baron Holler Austria, Napol.
Field march. Lt. Count Bubna Austria, Napol.
Field march. Lt. Radetzky Austria, Napol.
Fire Engine, 1920
Firefighter, 1920
Firemen, 1920
Fishermen, Aztecs
Field Procession, Bronze Age
Forge, Bronze Age
Foot Riflemen, Austria, Napol.
French Knight, Middle Ages
French, 1700
French, 1870-71
French horn player, Biedermeier
French, Middle Ages
French, Schweiss,Napol.
French, 1913-1914
French 1914-1918
French, 1920-1945
French pistol cavalry in caracol, 1560-1600
Freedom fighters, Tyroler
Frundsberg, Middle Ages
Fusiliers Prussia, Napol.
Foot Artillery Russia, Napol.
Foot Artillery Prussia, Napol.
Forge, Bronze Age
Gaius Cassius Longinus, Carrhae in 53 BC
Gallier, Altertum
Gallier, Babylon
Garde Artillery, France,Napol.
Garde Infantry, France,Napol.
Garde Cavalry, Frankr.,Napol.
Garde, Old, France, Napol.
Garde, Young, France, Napol.
Garde-Grenadiere Baden, Napol.
Garde-Grenadiere, Russia, Napol.
General Derflinger, 1700
General Hennig of Treffenfeld, 1700
General Hofmann, 1914-1918
General Sparr 1700
General Steuben American War of Independence
General of Hesse-Homburg, Napol.
General Wrangel, 1700
German Lancer 1560-1600
Germans, Altertum
Germans, 1913-1914
Germans, 1914-1918
Germans, 1920-1945
German-French War, Hinsch
German-French War,1870-71
Germanic marauding
Gneisenau Prussia, Napol.
Goethe, Middle Ages
Grenadiers, Austria, Napol.
Grenadiers on horseback, France, Napol.
Greeks, ancient
Grossheppach, 1704
Grand Elector Frederick William, 1700
Grand Elector, galloping, 1700
Gueux , 1560-1600
Gustav Adolf, 30 Years War
Hadji Halef Omar, Karl May
Haeseler, German General Field Marshal von, 1914-1918
Hannibal, Ancient Period
Hanoverian territorial reserve, Napol.
Herero, Colonial Era
Hermann the Cheruskan, Ancient Period
Hesse, 1870-71
Hindenburg, 1914-1918
Hittites, Ancient Period
Holland, Napol.
Horse artillery, Prussia, Napol.
Huguenots, 1560-1600
Hungary, 1526
Hungary, 1700
Huntsman, Rococco
Hunting with Hounds
Huron, North America
Hussars, Austria, Napol.
Hussars, Engl., Napol.
Hussars, France, Napol.
Hussars, Prussia, Napol.
Hussars, Russia, Napol.
Ibrahim Pasha, 1700
Imperial standard, German, Middle Ages
Indians, Ancient Period
Indian, American War of Independence
Indian Buffalo Hunt
Indian Camp, Colonial-time
Indians (Series 31)
Indian Mustang Huntv
Indian Camp, Colonial-time
Indian infantry, 1914-1918
Infantry, Austria, Napol.
Infantry, Poland, Napol.
Infantry Prussia, Napol.
Infantry, Russia, Napol.
Infantry, Spain, Napol.
Iroquois, Colonial-time
Italy, Riding. Artillery, Napol.
Italian campaign 1848/49
Lamb to Großheppach
Lancers National., Poland, Napol.
Lansquenet, Middle Ages
Lansquenet, German, Middle Ages
Lansquenet, Middle Ages
Late Stone Age, Hinsch Series 2
Lancer, 30 Years war
Lancer 1560-1600
Life Guard cavalry, Engl.,Napol.
Life Guard, Grenadier, Baden, Napol.
Light Infantry Engl., Napol.
Leitern, Feuerwehr um 1920
Line Infantry, Prussia, Napol.
Line Infantry in overcoat, France, Napol.
Line Cavalry, France, Napol.
Line Infantry, France, Napol.
Line Infantry, Russia, Napol.
Line Infantry Engl., Napol.
Line rifleman, Prussia, Napol.
Ludendorf, 1914-1918
Lützow's Hussars, Prussia, Napol.
Lützow's Lancers, Prussia, Napol.
Macedonians, Ancient Period
Mackensen, 1914-1918
Magdeburg, 30 Year's war
Major Baron von Lützow, Prussia, Napol.
Mamelukes France, Napol.
Mansfeld, 30 Year's War
Marcus Licinius Crassus, Carrhae 53 BC
Maria, crib
Maria kneeling, crib
Marlborough, Duke of, 1704
Masked Ball in Bonner Castle
Mauke Figures Napoleon
MMaximilian I, coronation (Vollrath)
Maximilian I, Emperor, Middle Ages
Melchior, crib
Melchior, crib
Mestizo, North America
Mexican robbers, Colonial-time
Mexico, 1500 - 1520, series 27
Militia troops, Argentina, Chile, Napol.
Monk Medieval
Mohacs, Middle Ages
Montezuma, the Middle Ages
Musicians Austria, Napol.
Musketeer, 30 Year's War
P, Q
Page Leubelfing, 30 Year's War
Panzer, German, 1920-1945
Pappenheim, 30 Year's War
Parthians, Triumph of Shapur I.
Pasha, Ibrahim 1700
Paul Bernard Comte de Fontaine, Rocroy
People, Aztecs
Persians, 400 BC-100 AD
Persians, Ancient Period
Persians, Triumph of Shapur I.
Phoenicians, Babylon
Pikemen, 30 Year's War
Pioneers, Russia, Napol.
Pioneers, Prussia, Napol.
Pistol cavalry, German, Middle Ages
Pistol cavalry, 1560-1600
Poland, 1700
Prairie Indians, Colonial Era
Prussia, 1700
Prussia, 1870-71
Prussia, 1900-1914
Prussia, Artillery 1870-1871
Prussia, Hussars, 1870 - 1871
Prussia Schweiss Figures, Napol.
Prince Eugen de Savoie, 1700
Prince Eugene of Wurttemberg, Russia, Napol.
Prince Charles of Lorraine, Austria, Napol.
Quartermaster Baron von Sucha, Austria, Napol.
Radetzky, Joseph Count, Field Marshal
Reserve infantry, Prussia, Napol.
Rococco (Series 33)
Romans, Triumph of Shapur I.
Roman, 300-200 BC
Roman, 200-100 BC
Romans, 15 BC-350 AD
Roman legionnaires, Carrhae 53 BC
Royal Council, Aztec
Russians, Mauke Fig., Napol.
Russians, 1914-1918
Russians, 1920-1945
Russia Staff, Napol.
Sailor, German, Colonial Era
Saxon, 1870-71
Saxon, Mauke Fig., Napoleon
Saxon, Napol.
Samiter, Ancient Period
Savoy, Prince Eugene of 1704
Sheep, crib
Silesian Territorial Reserve Infantry, Prussia, Napol.
Silesian National-Cavalry, Preußen, Napol.
Skaters, Biedermeier
Schwarzenberg,Prince, Austria, Napol.
Scots, 1914-1918
Scotish Highlanders, Napol.
Scythian, 400 BC-100 AD
Scythian, Ancient Period
Schweiss Fig.,Napol.
Second Schleswig War
Series 11
Series 30, Travelling Party at Rest, 1600
Serie 30k, 1618 - 1648
Series 31, North America
Series 32, North America
Series 33, Rococco
Series 39, Napoleon's Egyptian Campaign in 1797
Series 41, Tyrolean freedom fighters
Series 44, Biedermeier period around 1815-1830
Series 50, 1870 - 1871
Series 52, World War 1939-45
Series F, Hunting with Hounds
Seven Years' War
Shapur I. Triumph over Emperor Valerian
Shepherd, Crib
Silver Lake, The Treasure in the, Karl-May
Sioux Indians colonial time
Skier (only German)
Slave Market, Babylon
Sleeping Beauty, 1520,
Sobieski, King John of Poland in 1691
South-West Africa, German Defence Force
Soviets, 1920-1945
Spain, Napol.
Spaniards, Middle Ages
Spectators, Masked Ball
Sphinx Transport, Egyptian New Kingdom 2000 BC
Spinola, 30 Year's War
Spraying fire service in 1920
Staff Prussia, Napol.
Staff Officer Austria, Napol.
Sweden, 1700
Sweden, 30-Year's War
Swiss Guards, August the Strong
Swiss soldier, Midddle Ages
Territorial reserve Infantry Prussia, Napol.
Territorial reserve Cavalry Prussia, Napol.
Theodora, Empress of Byzantium
Trotha, Major-General von, Colonial Era
Tilly, 30 Year's War
Totila, Ancient Period
Trapper, American War of Independence
Travelling Party at Rest, 1600
Trumpeters, Biedermeier
Turks, 1700
Tyrolean Freedom Fighters
U, V
V, W
Valerian, Triumph of Shapur I over Emperor
Vignale, Armistice at
Wallenstein, 30 Year's War
Washington, American War of Independence
Wellington, Napoleon
War 1939-45
Wild horse, colonial-time
Wild Horse Hunting, Paleolithic, Hinsch Series 1
Winnetou, Karl-May
Winter Delights 1815 - 1830
Winter Pleasures 1600
Wurtemberg, 1870-71
Wurtemberg Artillery, 1870 - 1871
(X), Y, Z
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