OKI Kiel Cultural and Historical Flat Tin Figures Kilia



Armistice at Vignale, 23 March 1849

Series Editor: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Vollrath, Designer: Mano Winter, Engraver: H.G. Lecke & Dr. G. Söllner
Search Term:
Code Description
VV1Eugene Adam, Munich painter
VV2Field Marshal Joseph Count Radetzky
VV3King Victor Emanual II of Sardinia-Piemont
VV4Lieutenant Hermann von Mylius, Commander of the Sereschan Life Guard
VV5Lt.-Field Marshal Heinrich Prince of Hess, Chief of the Quartermaster staff
VV6Kingdom of Sardinia Major General Alessandro Ferrero La Marmora, Chief of the General Staff
VV7Major Moriz Count Forgách of Ghymes and Gács, Commander of the Dragoon Division Staff
VV8First Lieutenant Anton Haizinger, Ordinance Officer, detailed from the Royal Liechtenstein 5th Light Cavalry Regiment
VV9Officer of the Kingdom of Sardinia infantry (a)
VV10Officer of the Kingdom of Sardinia cavalry
VV11Officer of the Kingdom of Sardinia infantry (b)
VV12Cavalry Captain Heinrich Count Cappy, Adjutant of Archduke Charles' 3rd Lancer Regiment
VV13Regimental Surgeon Dr. Joseph Wurzian, personal surgeon to Field Marshal Radetzky
VV14Sereschan (with long knife) from Radetzky's Sereschan Life Guard
VV15Sereschan (with gun) from Radetzky's Sereschan Life Guard
VV16Colonel Carl Baron Schlitter of Niedernberg, Radetzkys' Second Adjutant General
VV17Lt.-colonel Anatol Baron von Leykam, Radetzky's First Wing Adjutant
VV18Otto Eberhard, Major in the Imperial Rifle Regiment and General Command Adjutant of Lombardy-Venetia, General Commanding Verona
VV19Carl Ferschel, valet to Field Marshal Radetzky, with his horse and the horse of Lt.-Field Marshal von Hess
VV20Royal Sardinian Carabinier, dismounted, checking his horse's bridle
VV21Royal Sardinian mounted Carabinier halted, holding the horse of King Victor Emanuel II and the horse of Major General Alessandro Ferrero La Marmora
VV22Sardinian cavalryman
VV23Sardinian mounted Carabinier halted
VV24Sergeant-Major of the royal messenger Rifle Corps
VV25Lieutenant Count Schönfeld, Ordinance officer for Prince Reuss's 7th Hussars
VV26Fredrick William Hackländer, writer and correspondent for the Augsburg General Times



Armistice at Vignale
Armistice at Vignale
English Table by Douglas Johnson